市街等級『金澤古蹟志』巻2 総論 現代語・English


『博伽雑談(はくかざつだん)』によれば、佐久間盛政(さくまもりまさ)が金沢城に在城していた頃の本町は、「尾山八町(おやまはっちょう)」と呼ばれ、西町(にしちょう)、堤町(つつみまち)、南町(みなみちょう)、金屋町(かなやまち)、松原町(まつばらちょう)、安江町(やすえちょう)、材木町(ざいもくまち)、近江町(おうみちょう) の8つの町がその中心であった。



  • 西町:佐久間氏の時代には、金沢城の正門の向かいにあった。
  • 南町:当時、金沢城の南側にあった。
  • 金屋町:当時の金谷門(かなやもん)の前にあった。
  • 松原町:松原門(まつばらもん)の前にあった。
  • 材木町:紺谷坂(こんやざか)の近くにあった。
  • 安江町・近江町:現在の場所にあったとされる。







  • 役町(町役を負担する町):約2000軒
  • 地子町(一般町人が住む町):3万5000軒
  • 裏屋小路(うらやこうじ):数千戸






  • 本町(ほんまち):13町
  • 半役町(はんやくまち):8町
  • 合計18町




  • 本町(ほんまち):27町
  • 地子町(じしちょう):7町
  • 総人口:1万2000人
    • 本町に住む者:1万人
    • 地子町に住む者:2000人


English Version

In the Kaga Domain, Kanazawa was divided into “Honmachi” (Main Town) and “Jishochō” (Tax-paying Towns), with distinctions in town duties and taxation.

According to Hakuka Zatsudan, during the time when Sakuma Morimasa resided in Kanazawa Castle, the central district was called “Oyama Hatchō” (Eight Towns of Oyama), consisting of Nishichō (Nishi Town), Tsutsumimachi (Tsutsumi Town), Minamimachi (Minami Town), Kanayamachi (Kanaya Town), Matsubaramachi (Matsubara Town), Yasuemachi (Yasue Town), Zaimokumachi (Zaimoku Town), and Ōmichō (Ōmi Town).

According to Sanshū Shiraiin Gairan, Oyama Hatchō was designated as the main district under the Sakuma clan, and prior to that, all these areas were referred to as “Oyama Town”.

Locations of Oyama Hatchō

  • Nishichō: Located in front of Kanazawa Castle’s main gate during the Sakuma period.
  • Minamimachi: Situated on the southern edge of Kanazawa Castle.
  • Kanayamachi: Positioned in front of the Kanaya Gate during that time.
  • Matsubaramachi: Located in front of the Matsubara Gate.
  • Zaimokumachi: Near Konyazaka.
  • Yasuemachi and Ōmichō: Remained in the same locations as they are today.

These towns were at the heart of Kanazawa’s main district, serving as major commercial and administrative hubs.

Transition of Kanazawa Hatchō and Town Duties

According to Monkenzatsu, during the time of Maeda Toshinaga, many people migrated to Kaga after the loss of Matsufushimi Benko, contributing to the prosperity of Kanazawa Hatchō (Oyama Hatchō).

Additionally, Hakuka Zatsudan states that during the era of Maeda Toshinaga, “Yakumachi Nanakasho” (Seven Duty Towns) were designated, including Kasamachi (Kasa Town), Bakurōmachi (Bakurō Town), Imamachi (Ima Town), Kawaramachi (Kawara Town), Daikumachi (Daiku Town), Tatemachi (Tate Town), and Ishiwuramachi (Ishiura Town).

According to Sanshū Shiraiin Gairan, in Keichō 4 (1599), when Maeda Toshinaga returned to Kanazawa from Etchū (Toyama), the city further developed, and these seven towns were designated to pay “Fuyakugin” (tax duties in silver).

Thus, these seven towns were particularly important within Oyama Hatchō, bearing significant town duties.

At that time, Kanazawa’s town allocation included:

  • Yakumachi (Duty Towns): About 2,000 households
  • Jishochō (General Residential Towns): 35,000 households
  • Urayakōji (Back Alley Dwellings): Several thousand households

This shows that Kanazawa had a highly structured urban plan.

Honmachi and the Seven Duty Towns

Sanshū Shiraiin Gairan further notes that six towns, including Fukurochō (Fukuro Town), Bakurōmachi, Imamachi, Kawaramachi, Tatemachi, and Ishiwuramachi, were later incorporated into Honmachi.

Subsequently, eight new towns—Shintatemachi (Shintate Town), Hakubamachi (Hakuba Town), Kajimachi (Kaji Town), Yasuemoku-machi (Yasuemoku Town), Ishibikimachi (Ishibiki Town), Okoibito-machi (Okoibito Town), Shichōgi-machi (Shichōgi Town), and Kanayamachi—were designated as “Hanyakumachi” (Semi-duty Towns) to share taxation burdens.

This reorganization resulted in:

  • Honmachi (Main Towns): 13 towns
  • Hanyakumachi (Semi-duty Towns): 8 towns
  • Total: 18 towns

However, the term “Nanakasho” (Seven Duty Towns) continued to be used for a long time.

Town Allocation and Population in Manji 2 (1659)

According to Tōshi Saku Jōseki, in Manji 2 (1659), the town allocation and population of Kanazawa were as follows:

  • Honmachi (Main Towns): 27 towns
  • Jishochō (Tax-paying Towns): 7 towns
  • Total Population: 12,000 people
    • Honmachi Residents: 10,000
    • Jishochō Residents: 2,000

Throughout the year, taxation and duties were imposed based on regulations. If there were population shortages, additional silver taxes were levied, and if excess taxes were collected, they were refunded.