広岡冷水伝話『金澤古蹟志』巻26 城西宮腰口第10編 現代語・English 







English Version

According to The Maeda Founding Chronicles:

On September 6, 1584 (Tenshō 12), Sassa Narimasa led his troops out of Toyama Castle. By September 11, they had advanced to Azumano in Noto Province and prepared for a sudden assault on Suemori Castle. Narimasa stationed his forces on Tenjin Mountain and set fire to Tema Town. That afternoon, a messenger rushed from Suemori Castle to Kanazawa Castle, and the Kanazawa forces responded by blowing conch shells to summon troops.

At this time, the soldiers defending Suemori Castle were already suffering from a severe shortage of water. It was then ordered, “Draw water from the famous Kōka spring and give it to the castle troops to drink.”

This story was well-known among the people, and Yuasagenroku’s Jōzan Kidan also records an account of the reinforcement operation in late September of Tenshō 12. According to this record, Suemori Castle desperately needed water, so orders were given to fetch water from Kōka and deliver it to the soldiers before quickly launching an attack. It was even said that this water was to be kept as a “souvenir of war.”

Takashima Sadatsune’s Haikun Zatsuroku states that “at the time, many foot soldiers were stationed in Miyaguchi, which explains this event.” Additionally, Etsutouga Sanshūshi: Kengō Yokaō records, “The annals state that Maeda Toshiie had anticipated the water shortage at Suemori Castle and, upon departing for battle, had water from Kōka placed in bamboo tubes to be carried by his troops. He ordered this to be delivered to Okumura Nagafuku and others, who then brought it to the castle. The castle soldiers, upon receiving the water, were overjoyed and their morale increased significantly.”

Indeed, carrying water during a military campaign is not an unreasonable act. However, transporting water all the way from Kōka to Suemori Castle would have been a considerable detour, making it highly impractical. Because of this, some believe that this legend is not credible.