広岡村『金澤古蹟志』巻26 城西宮腰口第10編 現代語・English 





English Version

According to the Gōshō Bunson Myōchō (a village name register), there were villages such as Minami-Hirooka, Kita-Hirooka, and Nagata in Tsubaita-go, Ishikawa District. These areas were collectively referred to as “Hirooka.”

According to Kanazawa Jihi, one theory suggests that the residents of Hiraokano moved to Toyoda-go after cultivating farmland there and established a village. This village is what is now known as Hirooka Village.

Toyoda-go is now Tsubaita-go. The village of Kita-Hirooka was built along the Sannō Road, while Minami-Hirooka was located along an old road. However, as the village land gradually turned into town areas, the remaining farmland was sold to Nagata Village, Futakuchi Village, and others. Although one household remained as the last resident of Minami-Hirooka, they eventually relocated elsewhere. As a result, the village was completely abandoned, and now only Kita-Hirooka Village remains.