近江町『金澤古蹟志』巻23 城西堤町筋 第9編
近江町 この町は尾山八町の一つであり、佐久間盛政の時代に設けられた町名であるという。 伝承によれば、かつて近江国(現在の滋賀県)の人々がこの地に移り住み、初めて家屋を建てたため、「近江町」と名付けられたとされる。 また、『金城深秘録』には、…
The land of Hirooka Village was previously used exclusively for rice fields, with very few areas designated as farmland. However, around the late Tenpō era (1830s), rice fields were gradually converted into pear orchards. As it turned out, the land was well-suited for pear cultivation, producing high-quality fruit with exceptional flavor. This reputation led to increased competition, and more and more land was dedicated to pear orchards, cultivating various types of pears. Due to this trend, neighboring villages of Hirooka also began converting rice fields into pear orchards, and over time, pear production became one of the region’s renowned industries.
According to the Sōkoku Fudoki (a historical geographic record), Kaga Province’s Kaga District has long been known for growing trees such as cypress, cedar, pine, oak, plum, peach, chestnut, and pear. This suggests that the district has historically been suitable for pear cultivation. Currently, Hirooka belongs to Ishikawa District, but in the past, it was part of Kaga District.
A document from Kanbun 7 (1667), recorded in the Kaizaku-sho (a land development office), states the following:
“A parcel of farmland measuring 656 bu (approximately 2,160 square meters) in the domain of Kami-Yasue Village is to be designated as a pear plantation for official use. Based on the records of Tōmura Kihei and Imura Kanjō, this matter is under review.”
Considering this, Yasue Village, which borders Hirooka Village, shares similar soil conditions, suggesting that Hirooka’s pear orchards may have originated from this region. Another theory proposes that the villages of Kami-Yasue, Shimo-Yasue, Moro-e, Hirooka, Sainen, and Futakuchi all have similar land characteristics.
It is believed that in ancient times, “pear plantations” as a concept did not exist, and planting pear trees was quite rare. This made it difficult to obtain high-quality pears. This is also evident in old documents found in Komatsu Domain records.
(The following is an excerpt from an official correspondence at the time.)
“Today, we have received the official notice and have reviewed its contents. Currently, the Gokeiki-shima (grafted pear orchard) has no surplus pears. Since these pears are needed for tomorrow’s official use, approximately 30 chō (around 3.3 hectares) have been designated for harvesting.
However, upon consultation with Hirose Hikosuke and Kobayashi Rokuzemon, it was confirmed that there are no surplus pears this year. Therefore, further investigations will be conducted in Tokumoto Village, Tanaka Village, and Nari Village. If any surplus pears are found, they will be reported accordingly.
Additionally, the designated cultivation areas will be managed by Hirose Hikosuke and Kobayashi Rokuzemon. For future official uses, instructions should be directed to them.”
(Date & Signatures)
(Fruit Shipment Report)
“These were cultivated in the Gokeiki-shima (grafted pear orchard). However, in recent years, pear yields have been poor. Therefore, along with pears, we are also supplying persimmons, Yamato wood (a type of fruit-bearing tree), and grapes. We await further instructions for appropriate future deliveries.”
(Date & Signatures)
(Supplementary Note) This document dates back to the time when Lord Maeda Toshitsune, the feudal lord of Kaga Domain, resided in Komatsu Castle.
近江町 この町は尾山八町の一つであり、佐久間盛政の時代に設けられた町名であるという。 伝承によれば、かつて近江国(現在の滋賀県)の人々がこの地に移り住み、初めて家屋を建てたため、「近江町」と名付けられたとされる。 また、『金城深秘録』には、…
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帰山助右衛門旧邸『金澤古蹟志』巻8 城外新堂形辺をOCR・画像認識・AIを駆使し現代語、そして英文として令和の現代でも読めるように編集しています。読みにくい箇所など誤認識している箇所もあると思いますがご指摘いただければ修正いたします。編集部…