近江町『金澤古蹟志』巻23 城西堤町筋 第9編








English Version

This town is one of the eight towns of Oyama and is said to have been established during the era of Sakuma Morimasa.

According to legend, people from Omi Province (present-day Shiga Prefecture) moved to this area and built their first houses, which led to the town being named “Omi-cho.”

Additionally, the Kinjo Shinpiroku (Secret Records of Kanazawa Castle) states that a bowmaker named Omi once lived in this area, and the town was named after him. It is unclear which of these theories is correct.

Another theory suggests that “Omi” actually means “Uomi” (fish viewing) and that the town was named after the fish market established in this location. This origin is said to be similar to that of Uozu in Etchu Province (present-day Toyama Prefecture). However, since the fish market was built at a later time, this explanation is likely incorrect.

Incidentally, the original name of Etchu Uozu was “Ozu.”

Furthermore, the Town Name Variance Record states that on September 16, 1671 (Kanbun 11), a fire broke out in Kanazawa’s Omi-cho, destroying the three districts of Omi-cho. In addition, a fire record from 1690 (Genroku 3) mentions that the fires spread to all three districts: Kami-Omi-cho (Upper Omi-cho), Shimo-Omi-cho (Lower Omi-cho), and Sanban-cho (Third District). These three districts—Kami-Omi-cho, Shimo-Omi-cho, and Sanban-cho—still exist today.