帰山助右衛門旧邸『金澤古蹟志』巻8 城外新堂形辺 現代語・English

帰山助右衛門旧邸『金澤古蹟志』巻8 城外新堂形辺をOCR・画像認識・AIを駆使し現代語、そして英文として令和の現代でも読めるように編集しています。読みにくい箇所など誤認識している箇所もあると思いますがご指摘いただければ修正いたします。編集部も完璧なものを提供できているとは思っていません。皆様の知恵と目でより完璧な日本語・英語の「現代版 金沢古蹟志」を作ることができたら本望です。




助右衛門は幼少のころより優れた才能があり、江戸へ出て、厳有公(四代将軍 家綱公)に仕え、御呉服所に召し出されて職務を務めた。その後、大奥の年寄女中に任命され、十九年間仕えたが、ある事情により助右衛門自身が辞職を願い出た。しかし、これが上意により丁寧に取り計らわれたため、助右衛門は加賀藩へ戻り、家禄が安堵された。そして恩賞として品々を拝領し、正式な許可を得て帰郷した。貞享三年(1686年)三月十日、百四歳で亡くなった。




English Version

According to Enpō no Kanazawa-en, the residence of Sukeremon Kaizan was located across from Shinjō Nakamura, on the north side of Koshōmachi and Nakamachi. The land ledger of Genroku 6 (1693) records “Sukeremon Kaizan” in Koshōmachi. Similarly, the land ledger of Kyōhō 9 (1724) lists “Chōdayū Yama” in Koshōmachi. Chōdayū was the grandson of Sukeremon, and later changed his name to Tayūbee.

In the Yui-cho (Genealogy Record) of Taijibee from Kyōhō 16 (1731), it is written:
“My great-grandmother was the daughter of Kan’emon Koizumi, named Kusu. She married Chūbee Yama, from whom Sukeremon was born.”

From childhood, Sukeremon exhibited exceptional talent and traveled to Edo, where he served under Gen’yūkō (Shōgun Tokugawa Ietsuna, the 4th Shōgun). He was appointed to the Gofukusho (Imperial Wardrobe Department), where he diligently performed his duties. Later, he was promoted to Toshiyori Jochū (Senior Lady-in-Waiting of the Ōoku, the Shōgun’s Inner Chambers) and served in that role for nineteen years. However, due to certain circumstances, Sukeremon personally requested to resign. His resignation was handled with great care and courtesy by higher authorities, allowing him to return to the Kaga Domain, where his family estate was secured. As a reward for his service, he was granted various items of appreciation and received official permission to return home. He passed away on March 10, Jōkyō 3 (1686) at the age of 104.

Sukeremon succeeded his father, Chūbee, in Kan’ei 11 (1634), inheriting his estate of 500 koku. Later, in Kanbun 1 (1661), he was appointed Sekisho Bugyō (Checkpoint Magistrate) of the Etchū Province Border. He passed away on February 10, Genroku 11 (1698) at the age of 95.

Sukeremon’s wife was the daughter of Uemon, and they married in Kan’ei 13 (1636). She later passed away on October 15, Hōei 5 (1708) at the age of 103. Uemon Inaba was the younger brother of Sakon Inaba. In Kan’ei 17 (1640), both brothers were ordered to commit seppuku (ritual suicide). Since Sukeremon was related to them, he too was nearly sentenced to the same fate. However, Kusu, Sukeremon’s mother, appealed directly to Gen’yūkō. Her plea reached the upper ranks of the Bakufu (Shogunate government), and Sukeremon’s life was spared. He continued his service without further incident.

As a result, all three—mother, son, and wife—lived exceptionally long lives. In particular, Sukeremon surpassed 100 years of age, which was considered a remarkable feat. Historical records note,
“Since the founding of this country, such an example is almost unheard of. He can truly be called an extraordinary person.”