広岡町『金澤古蹟志』巻26 城西宮腰口第10編 現代語・English




English Version

According to the land tax town headman’s judicial permit from Genroku 9 (1696), the area was referred to as “Oritsugai Town Hirooka Town.” Additionally, Kokujisho Mondō (Records of National Affairs) lists “Hirooka Town,” “Tosho Town,” and “Kodō Town” together.

Based on Nendai Shuyō (Chronological Summary), in June of Kyōhō 12 (1727), new households from Kita-Hirooka Village and Nagata Village petitioned for and were granted permission to develop the land. From this, it can be inferred that around the Kyōhō era, land was converted into residential areas upon request, with townhouses built and connected to Nagata Town. However, after the abolition of the domain system, houses were gradually demolished, and the area was turned into farmland.