細工所跡『金澤古蹟志』巻5 城郭諸曲輪(下) 現代語・English

細工所跡『金澤古蹟志』巻5 城郭諸曲輪(下)をOCR・画像認識・AIを駆使し現代語、そして英文として令和の現代でも読めるように編集しています。読みにくい箇所など誤認識している箇所もあると思いますがご指摘いただければ修正いたします。編集部も完璧なものを提供できているとは思っていません。皆様の知恵と目でより完璧な日本語・英語の「現代版 金沢古蹟志」を作ることができたら本望です。



『三州志 来因概覧附録』には、次のように記されている。










English Version

According to Takezane Arisawa’s Kanazawa Saiken, it is said that the Saikujo (craft workshop) was originally the residence of Ichiyoshi Okajima, Lord of Bitchū. Even today, the old structure from that time has been repaired and maintained. This account is from a record dated April of Kyōhō 19 (1734).

In the Sanshūshi Raiin Gairan Furoku, it is stated:
“The Saikujo was originally the residence of Ichiyoshi Okajima, Lord of Bitchū, but when the residences of retainers within the castle were relocated outside the castle grounds, Ichiyoshi’s residence was repurposed as the Saikujo. However, it was later destroyed in a fire and was never rebuilt in its original location. Instead, a new facility was constructed in the Dōkei district, and it became the new Saikujo.”

Additionally, in the Katsushima Kōjiki, it is recorded:
“On June 16 of Jōkyō 5 (1688), an order was issued to remove unnecessary personnel from the Gyokuseiinmaru Onuma Mawaigumi Guard Station, and this measure was implemented the following day. Furthermore, an order was given to relocate the thirty-man group office to Tsurumaru, resulting in the relocation of the Saikujo as well. However, later records suggest that the relocation of the Saikujo was halted, and there is no evidence of its reconstruction within Gyokuseiinmaru.”

The exact location of the Saikujo remains unclear. However, in the Yuasa-fu Hankoku Kanshoku Tsūkō, it is stated:
“During the era of Kōtoku-kō, Hachizaemon Takahashi worked in the Ayumi-gumi as a kogatana (small knife) craftsman. During the reign of Zuiryū-kō, he was granted a stipend of seventy koku as a designated craftsman. Around the same time, Kōzaemon Kitajima was also engaged in crafting.”

This is believed to be the first recorded mention of the Saikujo.

Regarding the Saiku Bugyō (Craft Magistrate), the record from the era of Sumitaka and Genna states that Gonzaemon Inoue served as the magistrate while being part of the Onuma Mawaigumi. During the Siege of Ōsaka, when Mimyō-kō (Maeda Toshinaga) heard news of it while traveling from Edo to Echigo, he immediately returned to his domain.

A record from Kan’ei 4 (1627) mentions:
“The Saiku Bugyō was held by Gonzaemon Inoue and Ryōdayū Saisho.” This suggests they were in charge of the Saikujo. Inoue later passed away in Shōhō 3 (1646).

After this, the Saikujo was divided into four categories: weaponry, general crafting, archery, and regional crafts, with an upper and lower administration system. The Saiku Bugyō oversaw all four divisions.

According to Murainagaakira no Chinbo Roku, during the Tōkan Campaign, when preparations were being made for departure from Kanazawa, an issue arose when part of the armor fittings unexpectedly detached. A craftsman named Ki attempted to fix it on the spot but fumbled, leading the lord to almost punish him. However, the lord ultimately forgave him.

Furthermore, in the Kaitō Gojin Ki, it is recorded that during the military campaigns of Taikō-sama (Toyotomi Hideyoshi), craftsmen from Kanazawa demonstrated their skill in cutting logs, which greatly impressed the leadership. As a result, they were summoned multiple times and received high praise. From this, it can be inferred that during the Hōjō Conquest of Tenshō 18 (1590), a large number of weapon craftsmen were employed.

Additionally, in the Yumo-shi no Hankoku Shokubai Tsūkō, it is stated that the name of craftsmen first appeared with Hachizaemon Takahashi. The Katō Seishoku no Ranzan Shiki mentions:
“Hachizaemon Takahashi was the foster father of Shichirōbei Takahashi and was employed as a Togumi (retainer group member) during the era of Zuiryū-kō. He was granted seventy koku as a reward for his craftsmanship after demonstrating his three-stringed instrument skills before the lord.”

In the Shimei Genki, it is noted:
“After Chūnagon-sama assumed the headship of the domain, performances were held, and musicians such as Kazawa, Matsuzaka, Kashima, and Kobayashi were listed as performers.”

It is also said that Sawakenkyō remained alive until the time of Mimyō-kō.