蓮池亭饗宴『金澤古蹟志』巻9 城東小立野台上 現代語・English

『金澤古蹟志』金澤古蹟志 巻九 城東小立野台上 「蓮池亭饗宴」をOCR・画像認識・AIを駆使し現代語、そして英文として令和の現代でも読めるように編集しています。読みにくい箇所など誤認識している箇所もあると思いますがご指摘いただければ修正いたします。編集部も完璧なものを提供できているとは思っていません。皆様の知恵と目でより完璧な日本語・英語の「現代版 金沢古蹟志」を作ることができたら本望です。









English Version

According to Kasshō Oku Jiki, a banquet was held at Renchitei on December 2, Enpō 6 (1678).

Honda Awa no Kami Masanaga, Yokoyama Saemon no Jō Chūchi, Maeda Nobumasu Sada, Okumura Inaba no Kami, and Okumura Iyo no Kami Eishō were granted the special tea from the imperial tea jar (御壺口切の茶, Otsubo Kuchikiri no Cha).

At the banquet hall (御座敷, O-zashiki), a formal meal (Kyōzen, 饗膳) was served, and the young general (Shōshō, 小将軍) was responsible for the Chūbaizen (中陪膳), a formal type of meal service.

Afterward, the gathering moved from the banquet hall (O-zashiki) to a sukiya (数寄屋), a tea pavilion by the waterside, where a tea ceremony was held.

At this ceremony, Chūjō-ke (中将家, a noble family) personally prepared and served the tea. The guests included Taga Naokata (多賀直方), Ikoma Naomasa (生駒直政), Katsu Kōin (葛高飲), Kikuchi Chitoku (菊池知辰), and Honda Masanaga (本多政長).

Following this, another tea session was conducted at the sukiya.
Additionally, Okumura Hyōbu (奥村兵部) and Yokoyama Shima (横山志摩) were served tea at the 御勝手 (O-katte, kitchen area).

However, tea was also prepared at the Ton-Yoriiya (敦寄屋, waiting room), where Taga Naokata was served, and Higashi Ichimatsu (東市松) was permitted entry into the waiting room for the first time.
Furthermore, it was indicated that the tea for this occasion was prepared at Butate (豚手), as per the orders, and Naokata handled the arrangements accordingly.

Tabira Hyōe Yasukatsu (田平兵衛安勝), Nagai Denjirō Masayoshi (永井伝七郎正良), and Inagaki Saburō Hyōe Tsurezumi (稲垣三郎兵衛連居) also participated in this gathering.
On this day, Yokoyama and Okumura were also served tea.

Additionally, Nagai Denjirō and Inagaki Saburō Hyōe were assigned the duty of tea service (御振廻, O-furimawashi), which had been determined the previous day.

Accompanying them were five attendants under Honda, all dressed in silk-wrapped kosode (袴袖, small-sleeved kimono).

In the autumn of Enpō 4 (1676), a banquet hall was constructed on this site, and for the first time, senior officials (執政, Shissei) and chief retainers (国老, Kokurō) were invited to a formal gathering.
Later, on August 15, Jōkyō 3 (1686), a similar gathering took place at Renchitei, where the attendees were ordered to hunt wild ducks and prepare them for a meal, as recorded in historical documents.
Furthermore, on May 6, Hōreki 5 (1755), the castle inspectors (国目付, Kuni Mekki), including Matsudaira Semo (松平瀬母) and Ōkōchi Zenbei (大河内善兵衛), conducted a castle inspection tour.
During this event, they received instructions regarding medicinal cuisine (薬膳方, Yakusen-hō) at Ichimaru (一丸, an area within the castle).

Following the outdoor reception, the gathering moved to Renchitei, where they were served a Yunoshukō (湯の趣向, hot water-based tea ceremony) featuring a meal consisting of two soups and five side dishes (二汁五菜, Nijūgo-sai).
Additionally, at the three-story turret (本丸三階櫓, Honmaru Sankai Yagura), Yakko (薬子, medicinal sweets) were offered, as noted in Kato Ōzan’s Ranzan Shiki (蘭山私記).

Other events related to medicinal cuisine and tea gatherings were also held at Renchitei, but only the verified records are included here.