蓮池居舘『金澤古蹟志』巻9 城東小立野台上 現代語・English

『金澤古蹟志』金澤古蹟志 巻九 城東小立野台上「蓮池居舘」をOCR・画像認識・AIを駆使し現代語、そして英文として令和の現代でも読めるように編集しています。読みにくい箇所など誤認識している箇所もあると思いますがご指摘いただければ修正いたします。編集部も完璧なものを提供できているとは思っていません。皆様の知恵と目でより完璧な日本語・英語の「現代版 金沢古蹟志」を作ることができたら本望です。













  • 瀧見亭(たきみてい) – 現在の滝見台のような場所
  • 高之亭(たかのてい) – 高台に建つ亭
  • 内橋亭(うちはしてい) – 内部の橋を含む休憩所
  • 舟亭(しゅうてい) – 水辺の舟からの眺めを楽しむ亭




English Version

According to the Shōunkō Chronology (松雲公年譜), on July 29, 1696 (Genroku 9), Maeda Tsunanori departed from Edo, arriving at Kanazawa Castle on August 11. He immediately entered the Renchi Palace (蓮池御殿) outside the castle. That summer and autumn, a great famine struck, leaving even the retainers struggling for food. Two officials were dispatched to each district of the three provinces of Kaga, Etchū, and Noto, distributing clothing and food to the impoverished.

From that year onward, the lord reduced his time at the castle and began residing at Renchi Palace, presumably for recuperation. The Kaizakusho-ki (改作所記) states, “Based on the plans from Genroku 8, a large number of people were mobilized the following year.” On August 11, Saishō-kō (宰相公) (Maeda Tsunanori) returned from Edo and immediately entered the Renchi residence. Food distribution was conducted at that time, and on August 16, Wada Koemon and Kodera Heizaemon supervised financial matters. However, they were later dismissed and placed under house arrest due to administrative negligence.

According to the Sanshūshi (三州志), in 1696 (Genroku 9), the Sanshū Mansion (三州館) was established. In September of that year, Lord Maeda traveled along the border villages of Etchū Province, distributing clothing and rice to the people. At that time, the reconstruction of the Ninomaru (Second Bailey) was still underway, so he moved directly to Renchi Palace. Later, still in his travel attire, he summoned Maeda Suruga-no-kami (前田駿河守) and sternly admonished him for the delayed famine relief efforts.

Wada Koemon and Kodera Heizaemon, officials responsible for food management, were also placed under house arrest. However, their negligence was not deemed severe, so by imperial order, they were secretly granted silver and rice stipends.

The Kanbun Shin Jisshō Getsuroku (寛文辛実照月録) states, “The Lord of Kanazawa (Maeda Tsunanori) governed with great ambition, ruling with benevolence and righteousness.” In May of the previous year, 1690 (Kōju 1), during his return from Edo, a large-scale relief effort was conducted for the impoverished. Senior retainers praised this virtue, and new rice fields were developed in Kaga, Etchū, and Noto to aid the struggling populace.

According to Tomita Kagechika’s Ike-kō (富田景周の池考), on August 11, 1696 (Genroku 9), Shōunkō (松雲公) (Maeda Tsunanori) returned from Edo and immediately entered Renchi Palace (蓮池御殿). He held discussions with senior retainers regarding political affairs, and on August 17, he ordered the opening of the domain’s storehouses to provide relief to the people. These events are also recorded in the official domain chronicles.

At that time, Renchi Palace was chosen as his residence because major renovations of the Honmaru (本丸, Main Bailey) had been underway since June 1694 (Genroku 7).

According to the Yūchi Palace Records (遊池御殿考), the land where the current school stands was originally home to three estates: Yokoyama Yamashiro (横山山城), Okumura Kawachi (奥村河内), and Yokoyama Ari (横山有). However, by the lord’s decree, these were repurposed as official domain property, designated for the administration of Yūchi Palace. On May 3, 1697 (Genroku 10), an archery demonstration featuring 19 archers was held at Renchi Palace.

Near the present-day park, there remains a Takano-tei (高之亭), a pavilion built near a natural spring. It is believed that in ancient times, this location housed a separate palace belonging to Lord Tsunanori. Additionally, the Takano-tei Chronicles (高之亭略) suggest that “the Yūchi Palace annex” might refer to the Ike-no-Ue Palace (池の上御殿), Renchi Residence (蓮池の御屋敷), or another separate palace.

In August 1696 (Genroku 9), Shōunkō (Maeda Tsunanori), upon returning from his official Edo duties, traveled along the border villages of Etchū Province, providing aid to the people and distributing clothing. On August 11, he arrived in Kanazawa and immediately entered the Renchi Separate Palace (蓮池別殿). There, he reprimanded the domain magistrates for their administrative failures and personally inspected the conditions of the populace. Deeply affected by the hardships he witnessed, he decided to remain at Renchi Palace until the following year’s famine relief efforts were fully implemented.

However, the Renchi Palace was destroyed in a fire that occurred in 1696 (Genroku 9). Following this, four pavilions (亭, tei) were constructed:

  • Takimi-tei (瀧見亭, Waterfall-Viewing Pavilion) – A place resembling the present-day waterfall observation platform.
  • Takano-tei (高之亭, High Pavilion) – A structure built on elevated ground.
  • Uchibashi-tei (内橋亭, Inner Bridge Pavilion) – A resting place near an internal bridge.
  • Shū-tei (舟亭, Boat Pavilion) – A pavilion designed to provide scenic views from boats.

Senior noblemen revered Lord Shōunkō’s legacy, and whenever they visited Takano-tei, they would kneel in reverence. Moreover, before ascending the Kyōdatsu-seki (杏脱石, Apricot-Robe Stone), they would always wear straw sandals, as this pavilion was considered particularly sacred.

After the Meiji Restoration, this pavilion was dismantled, but the site still remains.

The reason why Shōunkō held Takano-tei in such high esteem was likely because it was built on the historical grounds of Renchi Palace.