向田香林坊伝『金澤古蹟志』巻16 城南片町伝馬町筋 現代語・English

『金澤古蹟志』金澤古蹟志 巻十六 城南片町伝馬町筋「向田香林坊伝」をOCR・画像認識・AIを駆使し現代語、そして英文として令和の現代でも読めるように編集しています。読みにくい箇所など誤認識している箇所もあると思いますがご指摘いただければ修正いたします。編集部も完璧なものを提供できているとは思っていません。皆様の知恵と目でより完璧な日本語・英語の「現代版 金沢古蹟志」を作ることができたら本望です。











English Version

According to the genealogical record from Genroku 13 (1700), an ancestor named Mukōda Hyōei lived as a rōnin in Kuradani, Ishikawa District, for several years. Before Lord Takatoshi Maeda entered Kanazawa, he moved to the current location and became a townsman. This is the origin that has been passed down.

Mukōda Kōrimbō’s father was originally a monk from Jakuzan but later returned to secular life and became Mukōda Hyōei, engaging in his family business. He possessed a secret family formula for eye medicine, which he continued to produce. He prepared and presented this medicine to Lord Takatoshi, who granted him special status and a stipend of rice. However, due to old age, he eventually declined to continue this duty, as recorded in the accounts.

Additionally, when Minister Ukita suffered from an eye disease, Mukōda Kōrimbō’s medicine was presented and proved effective, earning him a letter of appreciation. However, this letter was lost in the great fire of Kanazawa in Kan’ei 13 (1636). Mukōda Kōrimbō himself passed away in Genna 2 (1616).

Furthermore, his grandfather, Kōrimbō Kihyōei, served in Kanazawa during Lord Toshitsune Maeda’s succession in Keichō 19 (1614). He traveled to Edo for the celebratory event and was granted the honor of attending a Noh performance. He also provided culinary services and was later appointed as an elder of Kanazawa town. However, he fell ill and requested to be relieved of his duties in Enpō 4 (1676), which was granted. He passed away in Enpō 6 (1678).

Kōrimbō Kihyōei’s father was appointed as the Ginza official in Enpō 7 (1679), receiving an annual stipend of three kanme of silver for thirteen years before passing away in Genroku 13 (1700) in July. Since the first generation, the family name had been “Mukōda,” but from the third generation onward, “Kōrimbō” became their official title.

Additionally, the Heike Monogatari mentions a resident of Etchū Province named Mukōda Jirō Takataka. During the Battle of Tonami (1183), the Etchū warriors Miyazaki Tarō and Mukōda Arashirō, who were brothers, participated. The Mukōda family is believed to have settled in Kami-Mukōda Village and Shimo-Mukōda Village in the Jōhana District of present-day Toyama Prefecture. This suggests that Mukōda Kōrimbō’s ancestors may have originated from Etchū and could have been descendants of Mukōda Jirō Takataka.

Furthermore, the Asakura Shimatsuki and Kaketsunōki record a samurai named Sasabu Kōrimbō who served the Asakura clan. If Mukōda Kōrimbō was related to this figure, he may have been a child of a retainer of the Asakura family in Echizen. The Echizen Chronicle also mentions the residence of Sasabu Kōrimbō, but whether “Kōrinbō” and “Kōrimbō” refer to the same person remains uncertain.

However, according to the Kusunoki Bridge Tenjin Chronicle, there was a temple lodging named “Kōrinbō” in Kōyasan. A monk named Kōrinbō resided near the plum trees of Komume by the Sai River and prospered by lending gold and silver within the city. The bridge became commonly known as “Kōrinbō’s Bridge.” Later, fearing an association with Lord Mitsutaka Maeda (1615–1639), the character “Kō” (光) was changed to “Kō” (香), leading to the name “Kōrimbō.”

Even today, in the southern part of Komume, there are townhouses referred to as “Kōrimbō no Na,” which are said to be remnants of the old Kōrinbō residence.