近江町『金澤古蹟志』巻23 城西堤町筋 第9編
近江町 この町は尾山八町の一つであり、佐久間盛政の時代に設けられた町名であるという。 伝承によれば、かつて近江国(現在の滋賀県)の人々がこの地に移り住み、初めて家屋を建てたため、「近江町」と名付けられたとされる。 また、『金城深秘録』には、…
本丸之伝話『金澤古蹟志』巻二 城郭諸曲輪(上) 現代語・EnglishをOCR・画像認識・AIを駆使し現代語、そして英文として令和の現代でも読めるように編集しています。読みにくい箇所など誤認識している箇所もあると思いますがご指摘いただければ修正いたします。編集部も完璧なものを提供できているとは思っていません。皆様の知恵と目でより完璧な日本語・英語の「現代版 金沢古蹟志」を作ることができたら本望です。
The land of the Honmaru was once covered with pine trees and considered an eerie place. Various supernatural phenomena were said to occur there, but when Lord Maeda Toshiie entered the castle and established his residence in the Honmaru, he subdued these spirits and ordered them to be relocated to Kurokabe-yama (Mount Kurokabe) in Ishikawa District. From then on, the general populace regarded Kurokabe-yama as a haunted place. Kurokabe-yama was a mountain owned by Sankoushi Village in Ishikawa District, and even today, it is commonly considered a place of supernatural significance. During the feudal era, the mountain was densely covered with old pine trees, and although most of the trees in the area were allowed to be cut down, the pines of Kurokabe were strictly protected from felling.
However, after the Keio era (1865–1868), the residents of Sankoushi Village began freely cutting down the trees on the mountain. In the past, it was said that anyone who climbed the mountain would inevitably encounter some kind of supernatural phenomenon, and these stories persist even today. The exact nature of these occurrences is unclear, but it is known that there was a cave on the mountain where a small stone shrine was built as a sacred site. This shrine was managed by ascetic monks residing in Kanazawa, who lured people under the guise of faith, leading them to their demise in a terrifying ravine, while they themselves lived in the cave, offering sake and conducting rituals claiming to cure illnesses. They further deceived people by pretending to convey divine messages, producing eerie sounds, performing divinations, and extracting large sums of money.
In Meiji 6 (1873), the government ordered the removal of such superstitious practices and the dismantling of structures on Kurokabe-yama. The villagers were terrified but followed the decree, destroying everything. However, even after this, people continued to visit the mountain and reside in the cave. It is believed that the giant serpent that had lived in the ancient mountains of Oyama might still dwell there today.
According to the Sanshūshi (Chronicle of the Three Provinces), in Kan’ei 2 (1625), a gigantic serpent appeared along the moat of the Honmaru in Kanazawa Castle. The creature was said to be approximately 12 meters (four jō) in length and had a white body. Around the same time, another serpent with a blue, glowing body was seen beneath the stone wall near Ishikawa Gate. It was noted that its head resembled that of a cat. Related to this, the Wamyō Ruijushō (Japanese Lexicon) describes a serpent known as Yamakanachi (now known as Yamakage), and another reference mentions a massive serpent called Chōja (Butterfly Serpent). It is believed that the serpent that appeared in the Honmaru was one of these.
Furthermore, the Sanshūshi Raiin Gairoku (Records of Historical Events in the Three Provinces) notes that in Kan’ei 2 (1625), a white serpent was seen coiled near the castle gate of the Honmaru. It was reported to be four jō in length, and another serpent, with a cat-like face, was sighted beneath the stone wall of Ishikawa Gate. Since ancient times, it has been passed down that two white-backed serpents were divine beings protecting Kanazawa Castle. Additionally, in Hōreki 9 (1759), another strange serpent with ears and feet was witnessed in the castle courtyard. Scholars of the time refrained from discussing these matters in detail, stating, “Such topics are unbecoming of a gentleman’s discourse.”
The Buke Jitei-ki (Records of the Samurai Households) also mentions a massive serpent that resided in the mountains of Kashima District, Noto Province. That area was surrounded by thick bamboo groves, preventing people from approaching. However, when Lord Toshiie entered the province, he declared, “There shall be no other rulers within my domain,” and decided to exterminate the serpent. He ordered the bamboo grove to be set on fire, and the blaze lasted for three days. As a result, the giant serpent was burned to death. Its white bones were later collected, and a merchant from Nanao Town crafted an effigy from them and kept it. Part of the bones was also placed as a stepping stone.
It seems that this was an instance where people, fearing harm, eradicated the serpent. However, the giant serpents residing within Kanazawa Castle were considered divine protectors of the castle and did not cause any harm. Thus, since the founding of the domain, they have remained undisturbed and continued to exist peacefully.
近江町 この町は尾山八町の一つであり、佐久間盛政の時代に設けられた町名であるという。 伝承によれば、かつて近江国(現在の滋賀県)の人々がこの地に移り住み、初めて家屋を建てたため、「近江町」と名付けられたとされる。 また、『金城深秘録』には、…
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